Escaping Nature  How to Survive Global Climate Change (Duke Press, 2024) While we wait for the nations of the world to take climate change seriously we must devise strategies for surviving heat waves, wildfires, rising seas, droughts, floods, power
  Escaping Nature  The mid-latitudes between 45 degrees north and 45 degrees south of the equator are expected to become unlivable in the coming decades. People living there will have to move north (or to higher elevations) because the humidity and t
  Escaping Nature  Everywhere on planet Earth animals are moving north an average of about a mile each year to escape the heat. By 2100 the Burmese python, now constrained to the everglades by occasional freezes in north Florida, will likely migrate
  Escaping Nature  Sea level rise will inundate most of the world's coastal cities in the coming decades. The construction of floating cities (and floating houses) is one way to deal with sea level rise. As long as there is sufficient protection agai
  Escaping Nature  As the world's mountain glaciers and snow caps continue to melt with warming temperatures, farmers suffer from a severe loss of meltwater needed for irrigation. One solution is to create an artificial glacier like this "ice stupa"
  Escaping Nature  Biospheric Justice (the rights of Nature)   Our legal framework can be seen as ever-widening circles of ethical concerns that eventually must expand to embrace the rights of Nature. Driven by  compassion, moral outrage, and other f
  Lessons from the San d Family-Friendly Science Activities You Can Do on a Carolina Beach (UNC Press, 2016) A beach science activity book for kids and their parents. Topics include the mineralogy of sand, beach ecology, fossil shark's teet
  Lessons from the Sand  Activity 30
 (published 2018) Available on 
  The Magic Dolphin   It was a perfect morning for beachcombing. Except for a lone surfer, the beach was deserted. The storm had dragged from the deep all sorts of marvelous creatures — squishy jellyfish, red and purple sea fans and creepy horseshoe
  The Magic Dolphin             There must have been hundreds of giant blue butterflies gathered on that tree. Hundreds more, perhaps thousands, fluttered around the clearing like winged sapphires.
  The Magic Dolphin   It was a beached whale, partly buried in the sand, bloated and stinking with decay. And around its sides and on top were dark shapes moving in the mist. To my horror the shapes resolved themselves into lions.   Lions feeding on
  The Magic Dolphin    We slipped across a dark sea as smooth as polished slate, leaving a wake that bubbled and glowed in the light of a full moon. Stars were everywhere, sparkling like 4th of July fireworks in the sky above and reflecting in the se
  The Magic Dolphin   A turtle with jagged ridges running down a barnacle-crowned back like some kind of prehistoric sea monster. Every so often a massive flipper paddled the water, sending out concentric rings of ripples. But its head could not be s
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